Parma, an increasingly green city of art: thanks to the initiative "1 PARMA TOUR – 1 TREE PLANTED", in collaboration with the KilometroVerdeParma Forestry Consortium, to promote and strengthen responsible tourism that respects the environment. Every tourist group or company visiting Parma can adopt and plant a tree, contributing to the creation of new permanent forests in the Parma area, reducing CO2 and safeguarding local plant and animal biodiversity.
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Green, authentic, and mindful experiences are at the heart of our mission to promote tourism that cares for and respects the environment we live in.

Thanks to the partnership with KilometroVerdeParma, the project "1 PARMA TOUR – 1 TREE PLANTED" is born, an initiative that reflects our long-term commitment to sustainability and the well-being of the local community, involving our tourists visiting Parma.

The project allows every tourist group or company traveling to Parma to adopt and plant a tree, contributing to the development of new permanent forests in the Parma area, reducing CO2, and safeguarding biodiversity. Each plant will be identified with the donor's or group's name and geolocated on Google Maps for remote monitoring.

At Parma Incoming, we want to be active participants in the shift towards a greener and more sustainable future, thus we invite all our partners and clients to join us in this important green journey.